BBMRI.at – the Austrian biobanking research Infrastructure – is the national node of the European biobanking research infrastructure BBMRI-ERIC. BBMRI.at consists of and links Austrian universities and biobanks with the goal to establish a national biobanking research infrastructure for supporting and accelerating biomedical research.
Biobanks collect, process and store biological samples and associated data, which represent valuable resources, in close collaboration with their clinical partners. They are essential for innovations in personalized and precision medicine and for the development of biomarkers, diagnostics and drugs. This requires a standardized and coordinated management of samples, data and processes in the areas of quality management as well as ethical, legal and social issues along the entire biobanking workflow.
BBMRI.at was founded in 2013 and is funded by BMWFW (GZ 10.470/0016-II/3/2013 (2013-2018); BMBWF-10.470/0010-V/3c/2018 (2018-2023); BMBWF 2023-0.752.780 (2023-2028).
Research field/Product range
- BBMRI.at is centrally involved in the development of ISO and CEN standards for sample, data and quality management and establishes them in BBMRI.at (e.g. for the handling of tissue, blood, microbiome samples, or digital pathology slides). BBMRI.at performs cross-audits of its biobanks, offers advise and courses particularly in the field of quality management (www.bbmri.at/for-researchers/quality-management/).
- BBMRI.at further develops approaches to make it easier for researchers from universities and industry to access biobanks and establish research collaborations using quality-defined samples and data, and to create a “trusted data environment”.
Learn about the biobank access procedure and the central contact/access point to Austrian and European biobanks on the BBMRI.at website (www.bbmri.at/for-researchers/).
Special biobank sample cohorts and lighthouse collections are described at www.bbmri.at/biobank-cohorts. - BBMRI.at and partners have expertise and infrastructures for highly infectious pathogen investigation (BSL-3 laboratory) and for the digitization of stained tissue sections to whole slide images e.g. for artificial intelligence applications.
- For the involvement of various stakeholders – above all citizens and researchers – BBMRI.at regularly conducts interviews, group discussions or surveys, as well as biobank tours and children’s university workshops and participates in the Long Night of Research, where every two years, BBMRI.at gives insight into the work of biobanks and pathology institutes.
Research cooperation
Networking and cooperation with various stakeholders, such as biobanks, researchers, citizens, sample donors, authorities, healthcare organizations, the biomedical and pharmaceutical industries, legal and ethics experts and other national BBMRI nodes (e.g. DE, CH, IT, SLO, CZ, CY) are very important to BBMRI.at. BBMRI.at participates and has leading roles in multiple (inter)national projects, i.e. SPIDIA4P, MICROBE, INSTAND, GenomeMET, canSERV, ISIDORe and SCIBIOEU. For more information about these and other projects, visit www.bbmri.at/projects.

National Node Coordinator Research Prof. Priv.-Doz. Dr. Dr. Luka Brcic | luka.brcic@medunigraz.at | +43 316 385 71713
Stiftingtalstrasse 2/B/6 | 8010 Graz | www.bbmri.at
ZWT-Mieterinnen mit Spirit
In einer mehrwöchigen Serie hat das Magazin Spirit of Styria „Frauen mit Spirit“ zur Geschlechtergerechtigkeit befragt. Auch Cornelia Stumptner (BBMRI.at), Eva Sigl und Andrea Heinzle (Qualizyme) sowie Julia Pirkenau (Human.technology Styria) aus dem ZWT standen dabei Rede und Antwort .
Digitalisierte Biobank-Proben helfen bei der Krebsdiagnostik
Der Standard hat über das Digitalisierungsprojekt im ZWT berichtet, durch das sich völlig neue Methoden in der Diagnostik von Erkrankungen ergeben.
LISAvienna Regulatory Konferenz fĂĽr Medizinprodukte und In-vitro Diagnostika 2020
Die Anforderungen an das analytische Performance Testing im Konnex mit der IVDR stehen im Fokus der Online-Fachkonferenz, die BBMRI.at gemeinsam mit LISAvienna und en.co.tec am 20. und 21. Oktober 2020 organisiert. Gleich anmelden!