Do you have any questions about our services?
Would you like to rent a lab, become part of the ZWT community and benefit from our network? Contact us!
Center for Knowledge and
Technology Transfer in Medicine
Neue Stiftingtalstraße 2
8010 Graz

Mag. Anke Dettelbacher Msc.
Managing director
Mag. Anke Dettelbacher, Msc is the managing director on part of the Medical University of Graz for the ZWT project. Due to the close integration of the ZWT into the MED CAMPUS project in terms of content and construction, she is also responsible for the project management and is the contact person for your questions and concerns.
+43 664 884 554 93
+43 316 385 72026

Mag. Thomas Mrak
Managing director
Mag. Thomas Mrak is the managing director on part of the SFG for the ZWT project. The SFG particularly supports technology-oriented start-up and growth companies in the regions by using the network of SFG Impulse Centres, which are technology, start-up and business parks.
+43 664 80 793 325
+43 316 70 93 325
Property management: Beatrice Doppler | Steirische Wirtschaftsförderung | +43 (0)316/7093420 | +43 0664/80793420 |
Technical property management: Otmar Ferk | EAM Systems GmbH | +43 (0)316/28179020-0 | +43 (0)664/601372098 |
Service Hotline, EAM Systems GmbH: 01 2901050