Our vision
Project executing organisation & project partners
Tenants & success stories
The tenants have developed immensely dynamically since the opening of the ZWT in 2014. Many of them have started the production after years of development and the internationalisation is progressing. The demand for rental space remains high and the expansion by the ZWT ACCELERATOR specifically for start-ups and spin-offs in 2022 takes this into account.
The ZWT ACCELERATOR offers company founders in the life sciences subsidised laboratory and office space, infrastructure and know-how.
“The ZWT tenants clearly show that networking is a key factor for success not only in theory but also in practice.”
“The ZWT actively promotes the dynamic development of its tenants by embedding in the networks of the Styrian Business Promotion Agency and the Medical University of Graz. The impact is clearly noticeable – for example, in the newly established life science companies and the international presence.”
“The ZWT, embedded in the Medical Science City Graz, is a key driver of innovation and progress. The close cooperation with the Medical University of Graz and the networking of science and industry have led to outstanding successes and significant developments in the life science sector.”
“The ZWT significantly contributes to the strength of the Styrian human technology. Furthermore, it is a successful example of the outstanding cooperation between science and industry in Styria, which makes us number one as a country of research.”
Part of the Medical Science City Graz
Neuer Mieter im ZWT
Die Diagnostik von Körperflüssigkeiten steht im Fokus von MEON Functional Diagnostics, einem Spin-off von MEON Medical Solutions, das seit Kurzem im ZWT angesiedelt ist. Damit setzt die MEON-Unternehmensgruppe ihre Expansion fort.
Aus Wissen Wert schöpfen!
Mit welchen Strategien sichern steirische Impulszentren und Inkubatoren die Vernet-zung zwischen Universitäten und Unternehmen? Was brauchen Start-ups derzeit am dringendsten? ZWT-Geschäftsführerin Anke Dettelbacher diskutierte darüber mit den Geschäftsführerinnen und Geschäftsführern von ZAT Leoben, Science Park Graz sowie Unicorn am Roundtable des Magazins SPIRIT of Styria.
Ausschreibung für den Gründerpreis PHÖNIX
Bis 15. September kann in den 4 Kategorien Spin-offs, Prototypen, Start-ups und Female Entrepreneurs eingereicht werden.