THE Hotspot for life science companies and start-ups
In addition to excellent office and laboratory infrastructure, start-ups and companies in the life science sector need networking above all else. The ZWT and the ZWT ACCELERATOR offer an ideal surrounding for this purpose. The exchange with other life science companies and researchers of the Medical University of Graz is actively promoted. The dynamic development of the tenants and an occupancy rate of almost 100 percent show that the Impulse Centre implemented jointly by the Province of Styria, the SFG and the Medical University of Graz is a success. The ZWT ACCELERATOR was built in 2022 in order to provide more space for start-ups and spin-offs in the life science sector.
Mag. Anke Dettelbacher MSc | +43 (0)316/38572026 | +43 (0)664/88455493 |
Mag. Thomas Mrak | +43 (0)316/7093325 | +43 (0)664/80793325 |
Advantages due to the setting
- 436,934 out-patients per year
- 83,282 in-patients per year
- 1,563 beds
- 19 University Departments, 1 Clinical Institute
- 4 Preclinical Institutes independent from Research Centres
- 3 Centres for Basic Research
- Approximately 4,300 students and approximately 2,500 employees
- Approximately 2,500 scientific publications per year
- Approximately 530 clinical trials and more than 440 ongoing, externally funded research projects
- Teaching, research and communication campus with an international role model effect
- Unique centre structure
- New conception of research due to a high proportion of competitively granted research facilities
- Detailed information:
- Research Management (research funding and technology transfer)
- Biostatistics
- Biobank
- Ethic Commission
- Highly specialised Core Facilities (research infrastructure and services) and special research areas
- Clinical Research Center (CRC)
- Support in the area of funding & financing, internationalisation, education and further training, networking, etc.
- special funding (Start!Klar, Start!Klar plus) and financing (Risikokapital!Offensive, Venture Capital etc.) for Start-ups
- Networking and internationalisation for the Styrian life science sector
Even beyond the Medical Science City, the ZWT is integrated into a dense network of cooperation partners from which the tenants of the ZWT benefit. Partners include:
- HTH Styria – initiative of leading Styrian life science stakeholders
- Know-Center – Research Center for Data-driven Business and Artificial Intelligence (information on cooperation opportunities)
- Science Park Graz – high-tech start-up incubator
- Smart Business Center – platform for smart services
- City of Graz – services for start-ups and economic development
- Startupmark – bundling of Styrian stakeholders of the start-up ecosystem
- Unicorn – start-up & innovation hub at the University of Graz

- Meeting rooms and kitchenette at the ZWT
- The ZWT ACCELERATOR was established as a networking platform with the suitable premises – for the tenants, as well as for workshops and events together with partners
- Support with contacts for business model development, financing, internationalisation, etc.
- Active promotion of networking and knowledge transfer (e.g. through events, newsflashes, personal contacts, etc.)
- Tenants have direct access to the services of the Medical University of Graz and the Center for Medical Research (ZMF) (an institution of the Medical University of Graz)
- Tenants have direct access to the services and the network of the SFG cooperation partners in different areas (e.g. Science Park for start-ups, …)
- Close networking with the Styrian life sciences e.g. via Cluster Styria, which is located at the ZWT
- Public relations
Picture on the right: ZWT ACCELERATOR – Credit Riegler Riewe Architects
- Prominent position at the head of the MED CAMPUS GRAZ: the ZWT and the ZWT ACCELERATOR form the “gateway to the MED CAMPUS”
- Prominent advertising opportunities at the beginning of Stiftingtalstraße
- Optimal connection within walking distance to the MED CAMPUS Graz and to the University Hospital Graz
- Easy accessibility via the A2 motorway and excellent connection to public transport
- Foot and cycle paths in close proximity to the building