Joanneum Research Coremed

Centre for Regenerative and Precision Medicine
COREMED, a Cooperative Centre for Regenerative Medicine, was established by JOANNEUM RESEARCH together with the Medical University of Graz. The Centre has the goal to improve the understanding of the processes in skin ageing and wound healing and to influence these processes by developing new products and therapies. The restoration of dysfunctional cells is primarily achieved through induced auto-regeneration, i.e. by stimulating the body’s own repair processes.
The dictum of COREMED: healing instead of just repairing.
The location at the ZWT was deliberately chosen because the ZWT favours interdisciplinary cooperation in these fields.



Research field/Product range

Skin ageing and anti-ageing
Wound healing and scarring

Research cooperation

Close cooperation with the Medical University of Graz and the HEALTH Institute, numerous collaborations with internationally renowned universities and research institutions as well as major international pharmaceutical and medical technology companies.
Contact us for more detailed information!
Lars-Peter Kamolz | Neue Stiftingtalstraße 2 | 8010 Graz | | +43 (0)316/876-6000

US-Delegation im ZWT

„The George C. Marshall Visit to Austria“ nennt sich das Programm, im Rahmen dessen eine US-Delegation von 13. bis 17. Mai 2019 Österreich besucht hat. Im Fokus stand die österreichische Life-Science-Branche – und damit auch das ZWT und Styria (HTS) in Graz.

Am 15. Mai 2019 war die Delegation zu Gast in der Medical Science City Graz, wo sie von Johann Harer (HTS-Geschäftsführer) und Caroline Schober-Trummler (Vizerektorin der Med Uni Graz) begrüßt wurden.