BBMRI-ERIC – European Research Infrastructure
for Biobanking and Biomolecular Resources
BBMRI-ERIC will include existing and emerging collections of all types of biological samples (e.g. antibodies, clone collections, cell lines and model organisms), biomolecular resources, biobanking and analytical technologies, data management solutions, and ethical and legal support/services.
Most of our current knowledge about diseases, existing diagnostic methods and drugs results from the systematic study of human biological samples and medical data. In 2001, the OECD declared these to be key resources for the further development of biotechnology and medicine. Their sustainable use will henceforth be ensured by the pan-European research infrastructure BBMRI-ERIC which is owned by the European Member States.


BBMRI-ERIC Headquarters: 10
Common Service ELSI: 13
Common Service IT: 2

Research field/Product range

Mission statement:
 BBMRI-ERIC will enhance the performance and excellence of European biomedical research by

  • facilitating access to quality defined biological resources relevant to health and diseases, including associated data, in an ethically and legally compliant manner.
  • reducing the fragmentation of the biomedical research landscape by harmonising processes, implementing common standards and promoting high-level collaborations.
  • building new capacities in those countries that have less developed biobank communities. This is a contribution to the European cooperation strategy and is intended to strengthen the European research area.

Research field/Product range

BBMRI-ERIC’s Central Executive Management Office (“headquarters”) is settled in Graz. It coordinates the interactions of the national nodes which have already been established in several Member States. The Central Executive Management Office acts as an interface to common resources of BBMRI-ERIC partners, as well as to relevant institutions and expert reports. BBMRI-ERIC currently has two “Common Services” which build and provide expertise and tools, both in the field of ELSI (ethical, legal and societal issues) and in the IT field.
Contact us for more detailed information!
Nadja Palko | Neue StiftingtalstraĂźe 2 | 8010 Graz | | +43(0) 316/349917-15

Das sind die Schwerpunkte von BBMRI-ERIC im Jahr 2021

Wie lässt sich das „Patient Empowerment“ im Biobanking durch Digitalisierung verbessern? Mit welchen Erkrankungen und Themen beschäftigt sich BBMRI-ERIC 2021 schwerpunktmäßig? Und welche Rolle spielen Biobanken in der Bekämpfung der Covid-19-Pandemie? Antworten gibt Prof. Jens Habermann, seit September 2020 Generaldirektor von BBMRI-ERIC, im Interview.

BBMRI-ERIC koordiniert COVID-19-Proben

Europäische Forschungsinfrastruktur mit Hauptquartier im ZWT koordiniert Proben-Bereitstellung für COVID-19-Forschung. BBMRI-ERIC trägt mit dem Netzwerk von über 600 europäischen Biobanken dazu bei, dass der Zugang zu Proben – unter Gewährleistung hoher Standards – beschleunigt wird. Darüber hat auch die Kronen Zeitung berichtet.