The ZWT and the ZWT ACCELERATOR are the first Austrian technology and research centres that are fully integrated into a campus both structurally and organizationally. The ZWT offers an ideal place for cooperation between companies and researchers on 10,800 m² GFA. For start-ups looking to rent offices and/or laboratories in Graz: the ZWT ACCELERATOR provides a further 2,700 m² GFA of modernly equipped laboratories, office and networking space.
In the „CoworkingLab“, there are also 14 fully equipped individual laboratory workstations available for small startups and researchers in the initial phase. For example, equipment usage is included, and there is also support for legal compliance.
More information about the individual laboratory workstations.
Do you want to be a part of our community
and rent a laboratory in Graz?
The laboratories meet the requirements of S1 and S2 laboratory use due to a continuous room height of 3.8 m, have a flexible room layout and direct access to the Core Facilities of the MED CAMPUS/Center for Medical Research (ZMF). The special infrastructure for micro-enterprises and spin-offs and a professional facility management in the building are further advantages. Meeting rooms, kitchenettes and an in-house bistro support communication and the use of synergies within the ZWT.
Contact us for further information about available space. We look forward to a personal conversation with you.
Advantages in the laboratories:
Looking for an individual laboratory workstation?
A fully equipped laboratory workstation can make a crucial difference for the success of a small startup, especially in the early stages when researchers may just want to test an idea. In the „CoworkingLab“, you can fully focus on your core competencies thanks to the provided laboratory workstations. There are ten such workstations available for rent at the ZWT in Graz. Additionally, experienced entrepreneurs and researchers also offer consultations and coaching.
For detailed information about the offering, please contact us. We are available for a conversation!
Advantages of the „CoworkingLab“: